Sleeping In The CityLike it? Hate it? Want to comment? Check it out and then add a comment here
It is the yin and yang that a line from a Robert Frost poem allows me. This particular line is about the roar of a chainsaw that will soon accidently amputate someones hand. In high school I was asked about that imagery of that line and I said that it made me feel warm and comfy. I looked past the unhanding and into my own life where the sound of a chainsaw meant that my father was cutting wood for the fire. Unfortunately in high school all I spoke of was the warm and fuzzy feeling part and nothing about the father. I guess it's understandable then that the teacher was tad horrified by my reaction. oh well Anyway Sleeping in the City is about balance. Holly is a friend of mine who likes purple. When fooling around with photo ed came up with the purple background, it just seemed a natural title.